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Submission Guidelines

While the following are guidelines for traditional fiction, poetry, and non-fiction submissions, we also love to see work that resists definition. Do you have theory fiction, visual poetry, or a script you think works well on the page? We'd love to see that too! 


We are also interested in submissions of visual artwork and photography.


Fiction + Non-Fiction

All genres welcome, maximum 5,000 words


Please submit up to 3 poems, maximum 10 pages. We ask that you submit each poem as a separate document.

Visual Art & Photography

Please submit up to 5 high quality jpegs, and include titles for each piece

Submission Period

We are now taking submissions for our Spring 2025 issue!

Submissions should be emailed to as a PDF or word document. Please include a cover letter with your name and contact information. We use a blind review process, so please DO NOT include your name in your manuscript. In the subject of the email, please indicate whether your piece is Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry or Visual Art. If your work doesn’t fit neatly into one of those categories, you can label it Hybrid.

Send us your weird and wonderful work by March 14th!


Though Strip Mall Magazine is a CalArts affiliated publication, we accept work from anyone. Whether you're a current student, alum, faculty member, or have never been affiliated with CalArts at all, you can submit your work to Strip Mall.


Strip Mall Magazine is happy to accept work that has appeared elsewhere, as long as you retain publishing rights.


Once published in our print + online issue, all publishing rights revert back to you. We do ask that if you get the piece published elsewhere, you mention that it originally appeared in Strip Mall!


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